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+1 860 584-6546
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Trade Terms
30 days credit on existing accounts. To establish a new account we require prepayment on the first order.

Purchase orders must be mailed, faxed or emailed to us on official stationery, although we are happy to provide details of price and availability over the telephone. You can also e-mail your PO to orders@isdistribution.com.

We accept checks made payable to ‘ISD’ please note shipping costs are extra and sales tax (5% Canadian GST, 6.35% sales tax for customers in CT) if applicable. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

We charge shipping on all orders. We ship via UPS within the US and are happy to ship via UPS or Fed Ex Collect if your account number is provided. We prefer to ship via UPS to Canada but can ship via postal means upon request. All orders shipped outside of North America are shipped via postal means and arrive within 4-6 weeks.

Our street address is: ISD, 70 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2, Bristol CT 06010

Damaged/defective returns: Claims must be made within 14 days after receipt of books.

Overstock returns: Permission not required. Period of eligibility for returns is 6 months from invoice date. Full credit if books are in saleable condition with original invoice information. Credit balances are to be used for future purchases only.

No postage credit will be issued, unless reason for return is due to ISD error.

Unacceptable Returns
Books that do not meet the above conditions will be returned at your expense and no credit will be due. You will be notified of the receipt of the unacceptable title(s) in our warehouse and will have 30 days to arrange at your expense to receive these books back. At the end of 30 days the unacceptable titles will be disposed of and no credit will be issued.

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