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Ancient Egypt Research Associates
    There are 4 books matching your query.
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Volume 3 
A Manual of Egyptian Pottery Volume 3
by Anna Wodzinska
This is the third volume in a fourbook set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest Fayum A ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical pe...
$40.00 (pb), $45.00 (oth), $40.00 (pdf)
Volume 4 
A Manual of Egyptian Pottery Volume 4
by Anna Wodzinska
This is the fourth volume in a fourbook set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest Fayum A ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organized by historical p...
$45.00 (pb), $50.00 (oth), $45.00 (pdf)
Volume 1 
A Manual of Egyptian Pottery, Volume 1
by Anna Wodzinska
This is the first volume in a fourbook set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest Fayum A ceramics to pottery made in Egypt today, organised by historical pe...
$30.00 (pb), $40.00 (oth), $30.00 (pdf)
Volume 2 
A Manual of Egyptian Pottery, Volume 2
by Anna Wodzinska
This is the second volume in a fourbook set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest Fayum A ceramics to modern pottery made in Egypt today, organized by histo...
$30.00 (pb), $35.00 (oth), $30.00 (pdf)
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