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Egypt Exploration Society
    There are 32 books matching your query.
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Volume 59 
LocationList of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri and of Other Greek Papyri
compiled by R.A. Coles

$12.00 (pb)
Volume 93 
edited by A.K. Bowman, R.A. Coles, N. Gonis, D. Obbink and P.J. Parsons
The volume offers an account of Oxyrhynchus as an ancient city and archaeological site by surveying its material culture and art objects, including sculpture and draftsmanship...
$57.00 (hb)
Volume 81 
Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXI

$99.50 (hb)
Volume 103 
Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXXXII
edited with translations and notes by N. Gonis, F. Maltomini, W. B. Henry and S. Slattery
The core of this volume is the biggest concentration of magical papyri published in some 25 years, giving a fascinating insight into approaches to averting and treating illnes...
$130.00 (hb)
Volume 82 
Oxyrhynchus papyri. Volume LXII
edited by J. C. Shelton and J. E. G. Whitehorne

$23.00 (hb)
Volume 42 
Papyri from Hermopolis
edited by B. R. Rees
Including private letters, official documents and petitions, private documents, receipts, accounts, orders to supply, minor documents and indices....
$17.00 (hb)
Volume 68 
Papyri. Greek & Egyptian
edited by Peter John Parsons & J.R. Rea
Including a collection of papyrus texts, literary and documentary, in honour of Eric Turner....
$99.50 (hb)
Volume 61 
Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists

$90.00 (pb)
Volume 102 
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXXXI
edited by J. H. Brusuelas and C. Meccariello
A collection of assorted 'firsts', GRM 102 publishes fragments of Pauline literature Ephesians, 1 Timothy, the Hymn of the Cross until now not known from Oxyrhynchus, along wi...
$130.00 (hb)
Volume 106 
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXXXV
edited by Nikolaos Gonis, Peter J. Parsons and W. Benjamin Henry
This volume contains the first editions of 55 Greek literary and documentary papyri. The theological texts include fragments of Genesis and Luke, both assignable to the third ...
$130.00 (hb)
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