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ArchiTangle ArchiTangle is an independent publishing house based in Berlin. By combining traditional print books with innovative digital formats, ArchiTangle aims to disseminate and preserve architectural knowledge, ensuring its accessibility for future generations. The core of ArchiTangle’s program focuses on publishing books that highlight architectural projects with substantial social impact, thus upholding cultural and ethical values in architecture. These publications explore how architecture can address pressing issues—such as urban and rural development, social justice, community engagement, and responsible building practices—and shape the built environment. By partnering with renowned institutions, architects, and artists, ArchiTangle produces publications that showcase innovative design while provoking thoughtful discourse on the role of architecture in society.
Aarhus_University_Press Aarhus University Press focuses on the highest professional quality in scholarly publications, the dissemination of scientific work to a broad reader audience, a strong emphasis on publishing in English, and top quality book craftsmanship. The Press concentrates not only on the publishing of academic literature but also on publications that propagate knowledge and debate. Common to all books is their strong scholarly base.
AERA Ancient Egypt Research Associates explores Egypt's archaeological record, seeking the origins of civilization. Their mission is to contribute insight and understanding to the present awareness of cultural evolution. In recent years, they have explored the development of urbanism, labor organization, and the elementary structures of ancient daily life at the once-Lost City of the pyramid builders at Giza. AERA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Dr. Mark Lehner and Matthew McCauley, with the assistance of Margaret Sears, in 1985 for the purpose of funding and facilitating the resarch of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, which grew out of the Sphinx Project.
American_Center_of_Research_in_Amman American Center of Research in Amman The American Center of Research (formerly the American Center of Oriental Research) was established in 1968 to serve as a hub for scholars in Jordan. Our history has a special emphasis on archaeology, but includes robust support for historians, ethnographers, sociologists, political scientists, biologists, and various other scholars of literature, sciences, and the arts.
American_Oriental_Society American Oriental Society , founded in 1842, is the oldest learned society in the United States devoted to a particular field of scholarship. From the beginning the Society’s aims have been humanistic. The encouragement of basic research in the languages and literatures of the Near East and Asia has always been central in its tradition, which has come to include such subjects as philology, literary criticism, textual criticism, paleography, epigraphy, linguistics, biography, archaeology, and the history of the intellectual and imaginative aspects of Eastern civilizations, especially of philosophy, religion, folklore and art.
American_School_of_Classical_Studies_at_Athens American School of Classical Studies at Athens was founded in 1881 and is the oldest and largest U.S. overseas research institution. ASCSA Publications, based in Princeton, New Jersey, disseminates the work of the School and publishes other important works on Greek studies, all to the highest editorial and publication standards. The work of the School, notably its excavations, is published in the award-winning quarterly journal Hesperia, in the extensive Corinth and Agora monograph series, and in various other volumes devoted to Hellenic studies. These works are essential reference tools for those interested in the archaeology and history of the Mediterranean world.
The_American_Numismatic_Society The American Numismatic Society , founded in 1858, is dedicated to the study and appreciation of numismatics and has assembled a permanent collection of more than 800,000 coins, monetary objects, medals, and other related items dating back to 2000 BCE. The specialized library contains approximately 100,000 books, documents, and artifacts that are among the finest of such resources. Together, they comprise one of the most extensive numismatic holdings in the world. The Society is also a global leader and innovator in the development of digital numismatic resources and is one of the largest publishers of scholarly numismatic research, enjoyed by its members, fellows, and the public at large.
American_Research_Center_in_Egypt American Research Center in Egypt  (ARCE) is remarkably active in supporting scholarship, training, and conservation efforts in Egypt. Founded in 1948, ARCE is a private, nonprofit organization composed of educational and cultural institutions, professional scholars, and private individuals. ARCE's mission is to support research on all aspects of Egyptian history and culture, foster a broader knowledge about Egypt among the general public, and strengthen American-Egyptian cultural ties. ARCE supports diverse forms of research into Egypt's history and culture, and the dissemination of research through publication is an important element of the Center’s mission. The first American journal devoted solely to the study of Egypt, The Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE), was established in 1962 to foster scholarly research into the art, archaeology, languages, history, and social systems of the Egyptian people.
ASOR American Society of Overseas Research - founded in 1900 - is a non-profit organization dedicated to the archaeology of the Near East. ASOR's mission is to initiate, encourage and support research into, and public understanding of, the peoples and cultures of the Near East from the earliest times. The ASOR Publishing Department provides a number of venues for scholars to share their research.
The_Archaeological_Institute_of_America The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) promotes archaeological inquiry and public understanding of the material record of the human past to foster an appreciation of diverse cultures and our shared humanity. The AIA supports archaeologists, their research and its dissemination, and the ethical practice of archaeology. The AIA educates people of all ages about the significance of archaeological discovery and advocates the preservation of the world's archaeological heritage.

The AIA, with the support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, publishes Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture (SPAAA), a new, peer-reviewed, annual series. SPAAA will showcase innovative, interdisciplinary, and methodologically sophisticated scholarship presented at the AIA Annual Meeting.
Archaeopress Archaeopress , founded and run by archaeologists Dr David Davison and Dr Rajka Makjanic from Oxford (UK), specializes in publishing scholarly books and journals in the field of archaeology and related heritage subjects. Publishing 120-150 new titles each year, the range of publications includes monographs, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports, archaeological biographies, and more. Archaeopress’ in-house series dedicated to Roman Studies, Egyptology, Near Eastern Studies, Pre-Columbian Americas, and more, are ideally suited to standing orders to match your departmental or personal research needs.
Archeobooks Archeobooks —founded in 2004—is a publisher, book retailer, and distributor focusing on Egyptology, Classical Studies, oriental art and architecture, ancient warfare, coins and coinage, as well as exhibition and museum catalogues and excavation reports.
Aschendorff_Verlag Aschendorff Verlag , founded in 1720 by Wilhelm Aschendorff, is an international academic publisher focusing on theology, history, philosophy, politics, and regional topics. Currently, more than 3,000 titles are available, with around 120 new releases and 40 reprint editions each year. Numerous individual titles and book series have set standards in their field. A family-owned business, Aschendorff has for nine generations been committed to the publication of books, journals, and print media that meet the highest expectations of quality.
ATF_Press ATF Press is an independent Adelaide (Australia) based publisher. ATF Press publications engage in depth with society, culture and religion. Its publications deepen knowledge, challenges and contributes to the intellectual life of the community.
Austrian_Academy_of_Sciences_Press Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften) is part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, located in Vienna, Austria. The press publishes books, journals, reference works, and eBooks in the humanities and social sciences, and specializes in Middle Eastern and Asian Studies, Archaeology, History, Numismatics, and Byzantine Studies, with approximately 3300 titles in print.
Beech_Stave_Press Beech Stave Press was founded in 2003 by Steve Peter and Ben Fortson, both editors are Harvard-trained linguists. They founded the company out of a desire to apply their combined experience in editing, linguistics, and typesetting to the designing and publishing of scholarly monographs and reference works in linguistics and allied disciplines. Chief among their goals as publishers is to produce books of both high scholarly and aesthetic quality, written by experts preeminent in their fields and designed with the most advanced typesetting and typographic techniques.
Les_Belles_Lettres Les Belles Lettres is committed to the humanist tradition of the Renaissance and publishes works from various disciplines that mark the progress of our knowledge and offer the reader a unique collection of texts and critical studies in the fields of Roman and Greek antiquity, mythology, philosophy, philology, natural sciences, history, poetry, and theater studies.
Brepols_Publishers Brepols Publishers is an international academic publisher of works in the humanities. The focus of its publications lies in "source-works" from Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, that is, critical editions of original texts and documents in their original language, reference works, as well as monograph studies and cutting-edge research.
Wilhelm_Fink_Verlag Brill | Fink  founded in 1962 by the publisher of the same name, covers a broad spectrum in the field of cultural studies. Starting with a number of philological works, the program expanded into Philosophy, Art and Cultural Studies. Amongst others the publisher established the field Media Studies in the intellectual debate in Germany, and oversaw the editing of important collected works of Johan Huizinga, Susan Taubes and Friedrich Kittler. With the University of Konstanz, Wilhelm Fink established hermeneutics as a theory in modern intellectual history. The company publishes well-known journals and around 160 new titles per year.
mentis_Verlag Brill | mentis  stands for high-quality publications in Analytical Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind. The philosophical program focuses on the philosophy of mind and emotions, philosophy of language, logic, ethics, medical ethics and philosophy of art; the main book series are “Perspectives of Analytical Philosophy” and “ethica”. mentis combines “continental” and “transatlantic” philosophy through the international, bilingual yearbook “Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy”. In the field of literary studies, the focus is on literary theory and biopoetics. The main book series are “Explicatio” and “Poetogenesis”. The company publishes around 40 new titles per year.
Ferdinand_Schöningh_Verlag Brill | Schöningh was founded in 1847 in Paderborn, and specializes in History, Catholic Theology, Pedagogy, Linguistics and Literary Studies. The program comprises of highly esteemed book series published under the auspices of foundations such as Stiftung Konrad Adenauer Haus, Otto von Bismarck Stiftung and Kommission für Zeitgeschichte. It also includes the Handbook of the History of Religion, Handbook of Pedagogy and monographs on Ancient History, History of Synods, Modern History, National Socialism as well as Violence and Perpetrator History. The company publishes several journals and around 170 new titles per year.
James_Clarke__Co._Ltd James Clarke & Co was founded in 1859 on Fleet Street, London, and has since developed into one of the world’s leading theological publishers.

James Clarke & Co. originally published the highly influential Christian World magazine, which was selling over 100,000 copies per week by the outbreak of the First World War, making it the leading nonconformist weekly. Following this success, it began to publish books, and introduced British readers to major American preachers and theologians such as Henry Ward Beecher. Importing books from the United States was bold and unusual at a time when American publishing relied heavily on buying from Britain.

As it specialised further into academic and reference works, James Clarke & Co. has sustained its historic commitment to the debates and conversations unfolding in ministries across the world.

The_Classical_Press_of_Wales The Classical Press of Wales , an independent venture founded in 1993, publishes monographs and collective volumes on the whole of Classical Antiquity, and also on ancient Egypt. CPW welcomes projects from scholars worldwide. The Press's founder and director, Anton Powell, is also founder of the biennial Celtic Conference in Classics (2000-); several of our volumes have begun as international panels of the CCC. Particular strengths of the Press include Archaic Greek poetry and politics, Sparta (where CPW has a claim to be world leader), culture and politics of the Hellenistic period, of the Roman Revolution, of Late Antiquity - and themes and methods in the modern writing of Ancient History. CPW values lucidity, honest logic however difficult, and careful iconoclasm.
Classiques_Garnier Classiques Garnier has been publishing literary works from around the world, French and foreign, ancient and modern, in reference editions since 1896. In 2009, Classiques Garnier expanded the scope of its publications to all areas relating to literature and social sciences: editing studies and essays in the leading fields in French and foreign literature, linguistics, history, art, music, law, economics, and social sciences. Using the most advanced technologies, Classiques Garnier publishes in three formats: in a large paper format, a corresponding database, and in small-format paperback.
Clavis_Publicaties_Middeleeuwse_Kunst Clavis Stichting Publicaties Middeleeuwse Kunst  (est. 1983) aims to promote and publish books on the art history of the Middle Ages, medieval architecture, sculptures, arts and crafts. The publications of Clavis are peer reviewed by a highly-qualified editing board, that includes specialists in different fields of art history.
Cotsen_Institute_of_Archaeology_Press Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press is a premier research organization dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and conservation of archaeological knowledge and heritage. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press specializes in producing high-quality academic volumes in nine different series, including "Monumenta Archaeologica", "Monographs", "Cotsen Advanced Seminars", and "Ideas, Debates and Perspectives", on diverse subjects whose ranges span time, cultures, and geography.
Duncker__Humblot Duncker & Humblot , founded in 1798, is one of the leading German academic publishers. They produce high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law but also in social sciences, economics, politics, history, philosophy and literary studies. The publisher's backlist consists of more than 16,000 available titles
École_française_d’Athènes École française d’Athènes created an "Institut de Correspondance hellénique" in 1873, 27 years after its foundation, "to bring together facts relating to the history, language and antiquities of the Greek people". Such an Institute required a Bulletin and at the end of January 1877, the first issue of the "Bulletin de correspondance hellénique" was published. The publishing activity of the French School at Athens was born.

143 years later, EfA publications remain the "go to" forum for anyone interested in Greece and the Greek world from Antiquity to the present day. They offer more than 600 titles in history, archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, geography, sociology and more broadly in all the learned disciplines of the ancient sciences as well as in several disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. True to their original vocation of ensuring the dissemination of research by the institution, but also by its scholarly partners, the French School at Athens publishes between twenty and twenty-five new titles per year. Enjoying a wide French and international circulation, these publications are also intended for a non-academic audience.

EfA publishes 4 journals and 18 series, all distributed by Peeters Publishers and ISD.
Edizioni_Terra_Santa Edizioni Terra Santa (ETS) operates as part of the Fondazione Terra Santa and is the publishing centre of the Custody of the Holy Land in Italy. It offers information and news on the history and current affairs of the Middle East, the cradle of great ancient civilizations and of the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Founded in 2005, ETS continues the tradition of the Centro propaganda e stampa which, from as early as the 1930s in Milan, gave a voice to the Franciscan experience in the Holy Places. At the same time, ETS continues the legacy of the Franciscan Printing Press (FPP), in Jerusalem since 1847 and co-publisher of the institutional collections under the patronage of the Custody of the Holy Land.

The ETS catalogue includes scholarly works, in particular Biblical-exegetical research and the archaeological activity linked to the world of the Bible and Oriental Christianity. The catalogue also includes collections for the general public on Middle Eastern current affairs and in-depth studies on a broad range of religious and cultural topics.
Egypt_Exploration_Society Egypt Exploration Society —founded in 1882—has had as its mission to study ancient Egyptian sites and monuments, create a lasting record of the remains, generate enthusiasm for Egypt’s past and to raise awareness of the importance of protecting its heritage. Today, the Society supports archaeological research projects throughout Egypt and makes the results of fieldwork and research accessible through its publications. Our Excavation Memoirs series presents the findings of our major fieldwork projects, Texts from Excavations present the philological study of texts discovered by the Society in Egypt. We also publish the prestigious and long-running Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, as one of the foremost periodicals in the field.
Journal_of_Ancient_Egyptian_Interconnections The Egyptian Expedition publishes stand-alone peer reviewed volumes and the online Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections. An independent non-profit, the Egyptian Expedition produces print publications that include select themed volumes of the JAEI, as well as conference proceedings and monographs devoted particularly, but not exclusively, to ancient Egypt's and Sudan's relations with neighboring cultures and the natural environment. The editorial and production staff are professionals with experience in Egyptological, North African, and Near Eastern fieldwork and publishing, supported by editors and an editorial board comprised of distinguished scholars from around the world who are experts in the cultures of ancient Egypt’s neighbors, Nilotic cultures, or aspects of related interactions in the wider region. In this way, the Egyptian Expedition is well equipped to provide a solid publication platform for subjects related to Egypt, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and the Mediterranean world in antiquity.
Ekho_Verlag Ekho Verlag is a German publishing house based in Berlin and specialized in music archaeology- a study field covering a range of multidisciplinary research topics related to ancient soundscapes, musical instruments and their sounds, and the meanings and functions of music in past and present. Founded in 2012, Ekho endeavors to contribute to the awareness of our common musical heritage, and provide a comprehensive research platform for the most up-to-date music-archaeological literature. It is the only publisher in the world with this particular focus, enriching research in archaeology, cultural anthropology, and musicology.

Ekho Verlag publishes series of monographs and anthologies with peer-reviewed studies by renowned scholars in the field, deriving from research projects carried out all over the world. It also makes available reprints of landmark studies in music archaeology with corresponding commentary, previously unpublished material, and translations of important works. The three monographic series established so far are 'Ancient Musical Instruments and Music Cultures,' 'Bibliographies of Ancient Musical Instruments,' and 'Antiquarian Writings in Music Archaeology/Commented Reprints.' The two anthology series are 'Flower World – Music Archaeology of the Americas,' and 'Studies of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology.'
Eliot_Werner_Publications Eliot Werner Publications  (EWP) publishes academic and scholarly books in anthropology, archaeology, psychology, sociology, and related fields. EWP is directed by Eliot Werner, a skilled professional with thirty years of experience in scholarly and scientific publishing. As social sciences editor at Academic and Plenum presses between 1978 and 2001, Mr. Werner oversaw the publication of more than seven hundred books in a wide range of fields while initiating or acquiring nearly sixty journals, book series, serials, and treatises.
EOS_Press EOS - Editions Sankt Ottilien was founded in 1902 for the publication of religious literature. Over the years, it developed into a publishing house for academic literature which cooperates with different institutes, universities, and faculties. The topics are still mostly in the field of religion, but concern also history and general culture.

Equinox_Publishing Equinox Publishing - founded in 2003 by Janet Joyce - publishes leading research work and textbooks in Archaeology, Linguistics, Biblical Studies, Religious Studies as well as a successful list of Popular Music books alongside a growing list of journals.
Evangelische_Verlagsanstalt Evangelische Verlagsanstalt  (EVA) was founded in May 1946 as the central publishing house for Protestant media communication in the former GDR, located in Berlin, Germany. The number of publications increased steadily in the following decades, with the result that EVA emerged as one of the largest Protestant publishing houses throughout Germany.

Today, EVA publishes about 150 new titles per year – in book series, editions and in the form of a multitude of individual titles which cover the entire field of theology. Currently, there are 700 titles available; in addition, there are important journals, including the “Theologische Literaturzeitung.” The commitment to Evangelical or Protestant theology and tradition and the openness to contemporary issues and current developments in congregation and church constitute a single unity at EVA.
Fleming_Museum_of_Art Fleming Museum of Art in Burlington, VT, is Vermont's leading museum of art and world cultures. Since its opening in 1931, the Fleming Museum of Art has brought world-class art and diverse visual culture to the people of northern New England. With a collection of 24,000 objects from cultures worldwide and several special exhibitions annually, the Museum attracts visitors of all ages from throughout the region.
Hardt_Foundation Fondation Hardt exercises its activities in three principal directions, including organizing the Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique, an annual conference on a particular theme attended by eminent specialists. The proceedings are published in a unique collection, which offers a panorama of research in the fields of Greek and Latin literature, ancient history and ancient philosophy. The choice of topics, dictated by current research trends in these fields, is determined by a scientific commission comprising of leading specialists of the day.

In the aftermath of World War II, Baron Kurd von Hardt (1889-1958), having no successor, decided to invest his fortune in an enterprise dedicated to reconciling Europeans through the study of their common heritage in classical culture. He created a library specializing in Greek and Latin authors (from Homer to the Church Fathers), Ancient history and philosophy, epigraphy and numismatics. This project became a Foundation in 1949.
Franz_Steiner_Verlag_ Franz Steiner Verlag  Franz Steiner is one of Germany's most prominent academic publishing houses, founded 1949 in Wiesbaden. The focus of interest is on ancient history, social history, history of economics as well as the history of science and medicine. Besides these traditional fields of publication, Steiner also publishes works in the areas of transatlantic studies, geography, musicology as well as philosophy of law.

Freelance_Academy_Press Freelance Academy Press brings readers innovative books and rich supporting material in the field of Western martial arts, American and European history, arms and armour, chivalry, and historical arts and crafts. We do this through new educational books and carefully selected, timeless reprints.
Gerlach_Press Gerlach Press At a time when the Middle East and Islam play an ever increasing role in geopolitics and within societies of both East and West, Gerlach Press offers a highly topical and cutting edge publishing programme on international and current affairs, economics, social, theological and philosophical issues related to the Middle East and the Gulf states in particular, as well as in the field of Islamic and Quranic studies. Gerlach Press's model is the publication of peer-reviewed scholarship using the opportunities and benefits of digital technology.

The founder and managing director of Gerlach Press, Kai-Henning Gerlach, took his MA in Islamic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin; his thesis on Sadik Al-Azm’s book Naqd al-fikr ad-dini was under the supervision of Professor Baber Johansen. He has since been a specialist in Middle East and Islamic Studies both as a bookseller and as a publisher for more than 20 years.
Greece_and_Cyprus_Research_Center Greece and Cyprus Research Center The series, “Sources for the History of Cyprus,” was conceived by Paul W. Wallace, a professor in the Department of Classics at the University at Albany, NY. Initially, his intent was to provide in English translation easy access to the most important passages in ancient Greek, Latin and other ancient languages. Subsequent volumes contained translations from additional languages as well as a several dealing with the period of British rule in Cyprus. The documents in Volume IX were previously unpublished.

ISD distributes the 14 volumes of the “Sources for the History of Cyprus" still in print (all volumes except VIII).
Gregorian_&_Biblical_Press Gregorian & Biblical Press has been publishing books and periodicals which reflect the mission entrusted to the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, Italy, for the past 100 years.
The_Griffith_Institute The Griffith Institute has been at the heart of Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford for seventy-five years. It is home to two major research projects, the Topographical Bibliography (Porter & Moss) and the Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB). The Griffith Institute also houses an archive of 'wonderful things' containing the collective memory and life work of some of Egyptology's greatest scholars, including its founder Francis Llewellyn Griffith, as well as Sir Alan Gardiner and Jaroslav Černý. Perhaps the most famous are the records of Howard Carter whose name is synonymous with the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Matthias_Grünewald_Verlag Matthias Grünewald Verlag (Grünewald) is a specialist publisher of theological books. Founded in 1918 and now located in Ostfildern, Germany (near Stuttgart), the publishing house continues its focus on systematic theology, theological ethics, practical theology, debates on natural and social science, as well as ecumenical, interreligious and intercultural literature.
Gulf_International_Forum Gulf International Forum  (GIF), is an independent Washington-based institute that aspires to enhance peace, progress, security, and stability in the Gulf and greater Middle East region through the open proliferation of ideas.

GIF strives to be the primary source of credible analysis on the region. Our mission revolves around enhancing understandings; engaging in free dialogue; and promoting independent thinking by building awareness and contributing to the accumulation of knowledge on the Gulf. GIF focuses on political, economic, mass communications, social, and security issues for the nine regional states: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Through various educational platforms that promote research, analysis, and dialogue, GIF aspires to encourage objective intellectual debates that inform interested audiences.
Harrassowitz_Verlag Harrassowitz Verlag publishes about 200 scholarly books and periodicals per year on Oriental, Slavic and Book and Library Studies and holds a stock of about 3000 different titles. The publishing section forms one part of Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, which is also famous for its outstanding service for libraries since 1872.
Harvey_Miller Harvey Miller aims at producing preeminent works of art-historical research and connoisseurship for a world-wide audience. As an imprint of Brepols, Harvey Miller maintains the high standards that established its reputation as the imprint of authority and quality for books in the history of art.
Hebrew_Union_College_Press Hebrew Union College Press , founded in 1921, publishes books across the entire spectrum of Jewish Studies and interest. The Press’s publications include literature, poetry, history, Bible, Rabbinics, language, philosophy, and religion, with special attention to historical monographs and bilingual editions that present Hebrew or Yiddish texts along with English translations.

Their flagship journal, the Hebrew Union College Annual, founded in 1924 and to this day one of its field’s most esteemed journals, is devoted to publishing the finest scholarship in Jewish Studies, ancient and modern.
Verlag_Herder Verlag Herder is a family business spanning six generations. This created continuity, perseverance and the trust that helps even in turbulent times. Openness, tradition and perspective, always based on a firm foundation of values, is the basis of Herder's publishing program. The Herder publishing group is always breaking new ground in order to win over readers - in the content and aesthetic preparation of the topics and in the encounter with the bookseller and reader.

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