Morality in Practice
edited by Jakob Cromdal and Michael Tholander
Issues of morality and children have traditionally been investigated within the realm of developmental psychology, treating the human ability to adopt certain values as a matt...
$95.00 (hb), $35.00 (pb)
The Banu Sulaym
by Michael Lecker
The study focuses on Sulaym in the crucial transition period from Jahiliyya to Islam, and hence it contributes to the study of the Prophet and his time. Most of the study conc...
$110.00 (hb)
In the Name of Humanity
edited by Eleftheria Dazeliou, Maria Georgopoulou and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan
On the centenary of the signing of the Lausanne Convention, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens presented an exhibition highlighting a monumental humanitarian u...
$25.00 (pb)
Towards a Realist Conception of Theology
by Bertrand Rickenbacher
Is it possible for human beings to know something about God? Is it possible to formulate theological propositions that are true? Or is theology limited to the formulation of h...
$59.50 (hb)
Four Books of Rates (1507, 1536/45, 1558, 1604)
edited by Stuart Jenks
These Books of Rates list - for the use of English customs officials - the official values of hundreds of products commonly traded overseas in the sixteenth century. What good...
$81.00 (pb)
Thomas Bartholin. Physician and anatomist
by Jesper Brandt Andersen, translated by Peter Fisher
Danish physician and anatomist Thomas Bartholin (1616-1680) was one of the most important anatomists of the 17th century. As a scientist, his greatest achievement was the disc...
$72.00 (hb)