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360 pages (334 color illustrations)
11 x 8 inches
Lockwood Press
Paperback (May 2018)
ISBN-13 9781948488051
ISBN-10 1948488051
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Art & Art History
The Art of Painting in Ancient Greece
by Dimitris Plantzos
This new and richly illustrated overview of Greek painting combines a fresh scholarly approach to visual arts with the most complete survey to date of the painted monuments of classical antiquity. The show more
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Dimitris Plantzos is associate professor of classical archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He has published extensively on Greek art, archaeological theory, and classical show more
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1. Studying Greek Painting
2. The forgotten forerunners: monumental painting in the Aegean during the Greek Bronze Age
3. Early Greek Painting
4. The fifth century: tetrachromy and shadow-painting

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