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558 pages
Comparative Islamic Studies
Equinox Publishing
hardback (April 2013)
ISBN-13 9781845539443
ISBN-10 1845539443
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Paperback (April 2013)
ISBN-13 9781845539450
ISBN-10 1845539451
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Islamic Studies
Religious Studies
The Qur'an
A New Annotated Translation
translated and annotated by A.J. Droge
This new edition of the Qur'an is specifically designed to meet the needs of students of religion, and provides them with a one-volume resource comparable to what is available for the Jewish and Christian show more
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A.J. Droge writes and teaches about religion in the ancient Mediterranean world. He is the author (with James D. Tabor) of A Noble Death: Suicide and Martyrdom among Christians and Jews in Antiquity, show more
   table of contents

The Myth of the Book
Text and context
An 'inspired' Prophet
A Book 'from heaven'
Who wrote the Qur'an?
A Qur'an from Cairo
About this translation
Guide to

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"I cannot recommend a better English translation of the Qur'an for an academic setting. Both Droge and his publisher are to be warmly congratulated." -- Shawkat M. Toorawa, Cornell University, Bulletin show more
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