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x,366 pages (280 b/w illus, 182 col illus, 18 col pls.)
Kelsey Museum Fieldwork
Kelsey Museum Publications
Hardback (January 2018)
ISBN-13 9780990662389
ISBN-10 0990662381
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Tel Anafa II, iii
Decorative Wall Plaster, Objects of Personal Adornment and Glass Counters, Tools for Textile Manufacture and Miscellaneous Bone, Terracotta and Stone Figurines, Pre-Persian Pottery, Attic Pottery, and Medieval Pottery
edited Andrea M. Berlin and Sharon C. Herbert
Tel Anafa II, III comprises the last installment of final reports on the objects excavated at the site between 1968 and 1986 by the University of Missouri and the University of Michigan. The volume presents show more
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Sharon Herbert, Co-Director of the Tel Anafa excavations and Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Michigan

Andrea M, Berlin, Co-Director of the Tel Anafa Excavations and
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Summary of Occupation Sequence
Site Plan with Trenches
1 Decorative Wall Plaster by Benton Kidd, with Catalogue Adapted from Robert L. Gordon, Jr. (1977)
2 Personal Adornment: Glass, Stone, Bone, and Shell by Katherine A. Larson

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