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356 pages (255 col & 47 b/w illus.)
Annual of ASOR, 72
Manar al-Athar Monographs, 4
American Society of Overseas Research
Hardback (March 2018)
ISBN-13 9780897571005
ISBN-10 0897571002
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Ancient Near East
Bayt Farhi and the Sephardic Palaces of Ottoman Damascus in the Late 18th and 19th Centuries
by Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis
One of the largest and most important palatial houses of late 18th- and early 19th-century Damascus belonged to the Farhi family, who served as financial administrators to successive Ottoman governors in show more
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Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis is Assistant Professor and the Acting Executive Officer of the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York. She is interested in the show more

"Damascus is a treasure trove of Ottoman domestic architecture. The old city preserves no greater example than the grand three-courtyard house of the prominent Jewish banker, Farhi al-Muallam. Elizabeth show more
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