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344 pages
9 x 6 inches
University of Pennsylvania Museum
Hardback (March 2010)
ISBN-13 9781934536117
ISBN-10 1934536113
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PDF eBook (May 2011)
ISBN-13 9781934536391
ISBN-10 1934536393
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Archaeological Method and Theory
Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia
Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Life Ways
edited by Andrzej W. Weber, M. Anne Katzenberg and Theodore G. Schurr
Siberia's Lake Baikal region is an archaeologically unique and emerging area of hunter-gatherer research, offering insights into the complexity, variability, and dynamics of long-term culture change. The exceptional quality of archaeological materials recovered there facilitates interdisciplinary studies whose relevance extends far beyond the region. The Baikal Archaeology Project--one of the most comprehensive studies ever conducted in the history of subarctic archaeology--is conducted by an international multidisciplinary team studying Middle Holocene (about 9,000 to 3,000 years B.P.) hunter-gatherers of the region. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the project includes scholars in archaeology, physical anthropology, ethnography, molecular biology, geophysics, geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental studies.

This book presents the current team's research findings on questions about long-term patterns of hunter-gatherer adaptive strategies. Grounded in interdisciplinary approaches to primary research questions of cultural change and continuity over 6,000 years, the project utilizes advanced research methods and integrates diverse lines of evidence in making fundamental and lasting contributions to hunter-gatherer archaeology.

Content of this book's DVD-ROM may be found online at this location: http://core.tdar.org/project/376587.
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