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xvi,224 pages (col & b/w illus.)
8 x 5 inches
Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture, 3
Archaeological Institute of America
Paperback (January 2017)
ISBN-13 9781931909341
ISBN-10 1931909342
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Ancient Near East
Mediterranean Archaeology
What Shall I Say of Clothes? Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Dress in Antiquity
edited by Megan Cifarelli and Laura Gawlinski
The essays in this volume engage explicitly in a variety of theoretical and methodological strategies for the interpretation of dress, dressed bodies, and their representations in the ancient world. Focusing show more
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Megan Cifarelli is currently professor and chair of art history at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. She is an art historian whose work ranges from Assyrian relief sculptures to dress items from the show more
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Acknowledgements Introduction-Megan Cifarelli and Laura Gawlinski List of Contributors Section One: Getting Dressed Gods Among Men: Fashioning the Divine Image in Assyria-Kiersten Neumann, Early Iron Age
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"Each chapter in this volume is a valuable contribution to ancient dress (especially those concerning the Near East and Turkey, subjects not often found in books on 'ancient' dress) and a helpful compendium show more
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