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286 pages
Subsidia Biblica, 47
Peeters Publishers
Paperback (February 2016)
ISBN-13 9788876536885
ISBN-10 8876536884
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Biblical Studies
An Interpretation
by J. Swetnam
The present work is an attempt to arrive at a plausible macro-structure of the Epistle to the Hebrews based on a palusible micro-structure which in turn is based on a close reading of the individual sentences of the text. This close reading is, in turn, an attempt to come to plausible grips with all meaningful elements in the sentences including the numerous cruces. All of this is done with a legitimate consultation of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Among the findings from this approach to the text that are advanced in this study are: the Eucharist as Divine Presence and human Sacrifice, the two priesthoods of Jesus Christ, earthly and heavenly; the two victimhoods of Jesus Christ earthly and heavenly; the centrality of faith-trust in the lives of all Christians; the role of God the Father in the institution of the Eucharist and the founding of the Church; the role of Abraham's faith in the life of Jesus Christ as human and in the life of all Christians; the rite of the Eucharist as practiced in the Church in Rome before 70 A.D. 
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