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440 pages (200 col photos)
9 x 7 inches
Equinox Publishing
Hardback (January 2018)
ISBN-13 9781781794579
ISBN-10 178179457X
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Paperback (January 2018)
ISBN-13 9781781798836
ISBN-10 1781798834
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Middle Eastern Studies
Delights from the Garden of Eden
A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine (Abbreviated Version of the Second Edition)
by Nawal Nasrallah
This is an abbreviated version of the award-winning and highly acclaimed second edition published in 2013, beautifully illustrated throughout, and displays the diversity of the region's traditional culinary show more
   about the author

Nawal Nasrallah, a native of Iraq, is an award-winning researcher and food writer. Her English translation of Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq's tenth-century Baghdadi cookbook Kitab al-Tabikh, entitled Annals of show more
   table of contents

Introduction: Iraqi Food in Perspective
Chapter One: Breads
Chapter Two: Dairy Products
Chapter Three: Vegetarian Appetizers and Salads
Chapter Four: Soups
Chapter Five: Snacks, Sandwiches, and Side Dishes (with Meat)

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SAVEUR magazine chooses it as one of top 10 cookbooks for the year 2013.

"It's an extraordinary work of food writing and research, and I confess that it made me realize how little I know about Middle show more

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