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280 pages
9 x 6 inches
Festschriften, Occasional Papers, and Lectures, 22
Medieval Institute Publications
Hardback (March 2013)
ISBN-13 9781580441773
ISBN-10 1580441777
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Literary Studies
Medieval Studies
Magistra Doctissima
Essays in Honor of Bonnie Wheeler
edited by Dorsey Armstrong, Ann W. Astell and Howell Chickering
The editors of this volume use its title to honor Bonnie Wheeler for her many scholarly achievements and to celebrate her wide-ranging contributions to medieval studies in the United States. There are sections show more
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Dorsey Armstrong is Associate Professor of English and medieval literature at Purdue University.

Ann W. Astell is a Professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame.

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Introduction by Ann W. Astell and Howell Chickering

Part 1. Old and Middle English Literature

Kiyoko Nagase and Her "Grendel's Mother" by Toshiyuki Takamiya

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