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154 pages
9 x 6 inches
Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture, 2
Archaeological Institute of America
Paperback (January 2016)
ISBN-13 9781931909327
ISBN-10 1931909326
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Art & Art History
Mediterranean Archaeology
The Consumers' Choice
Uses of Greek Figure-Decorated Pottery
edited by Thomas H. Carpenter, Elizabeth Langridge-Noti, and Mark D. Stansbury-O'Donnell
As published excavated contexts become more plentiful and as older contexts are reexamined, it has become increasingly possible to consider Greek figure-decorated pottery from the perspective of its use. show more
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Thomas H. Carpenter is the Charles J. Ping Professor of Humanities and Distinguished Professor of Classics at Ohio University. He is the author of numerous books and articles on Greek iconography including show more
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Introduction / Thomas H. Carpenter, Elizabeth Langridge-Noti, and Mark D. Stansbury-O'Donnell Reconsidering hand looms on Athenian vases / Sheramy D. Bundrick Karneia and Kitharoidos : rereading a Laconian
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"...a welcome contribution to the ongoing development of a major shift in our consideration of the meanings of Greek images." --Winfred van de Put, Netherlands Institute at Athens, Bryn Mawr Classical show more
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