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224 pages (col & b/w illus.)
8 x 5 inches
Selected Papers on Ancient Art and Architecture, 1
Archaeological Institute of America
Paperback (June 2015)
ISBN-13 9781931909310
ISBN-10 1931909318
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Art & Art History
Mediterranean Archaeology
Beyond Iconography
Materials, Methods, and Meaning in Ancient Surface Decoration
edited by Sarah Lepinski and Susanna McFadden
This volume presents a spectrum of current research on ancient surface decoration (painting mosaic, and stuccowork/plasterwork) that offers new avenues of exploration and directions of inquiry. The collected show more
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Sarah Lepinski holds a PhD in classical and Near Eastern archaeology from Bryn Mawr College. She specializes in ancient and medieval surface decoration and her research interests encompass ancient show more
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Sarah Lepinski and Susanna McFadden Introduction Sarah Lepinski Methodologies and Materiality: Excavating and Analyzing Fragmentary Mural Painting, a Case Study from Ancient Corinth Heather
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"This volume has much to recommend it. It brings together new work, bridges the worlds of the archaeologist and the art historian, and is gorgeously produced on high-gloss paper with many color photographs...The show more
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