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444 pages (207 b/w illus. & 38 tbls.)
Archaeological Reports, 22
American Society of Overseas Research
Hardback (April 2015)
ISBN-13 9780897570893
ISBN-10 0897570898
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Ancient Near East
Tell er-Rumeith
The Excavations of Paul W. Lapp, 1962 and 1967
by Tristan J. Barako and Nancy L. Lapp
Tell er-Rumeith lies at the eastern edge of the Irbid plain in northern Jordan not far from the Syrian border and the present town of Ramtha. The publication presents the most complete corpus of Iron Age show more
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Tristan J. Barako has broad experience as a writer, researcher, and fundraiser in diverse settings, especially in academia and media production. As Senior Writer and Researcher at Providence Pictures, show more
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