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179 pages (30 b/w figs.)
Kelsey Museum Publication, 2
Kelsey Museum Publications
Paperback (December 2005)
ISBN-13 9780974187310
ISBN-10 0974187313
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Prehistorians Round the Pond
Reflections on Aegean Prehistory as a Discipline
by John Cherry, Despina Margomenou, and Lauren E. Talalay
This volume represents a pioneering examination of the nature and identities of Aegean prehistory as a discipline. Emerging from a workshop that generated lively debate among a wide cross-section of scholars, show more
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Reflections on the "Aegean" and its Prehistory: Present Routes and Future Destinations; "Just the Facts Ma'am": Surveying Aegean Prehistory's State of Health; A Profile of Aegean Prehistorians in the 1990s;
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