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64 pages (33 col illus, 3 b/w illus, 23 col plates.)
Kelsey Museum Publication
, 8
Kelsey Museum Publications
Paperback (December 2012)
ISBN-13 9780974187365
ISBN-10 0974187364
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Art & Art History
Hours of Infinity
Recording the Imperfect Eternal
by John Kannenberg, Marc Weidenbaum, and Terry G. Wilfong
Hours of Infinity is the catalogue of an exhibition and performance by artist John Kannenberg at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology and the Work Gallery in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The three bodies of work comprising Hours of Infinity use an imprecise drawing method coupled with a disciplined approach to sonic observation that merge with elements of ancient Egyptian and Greek philosophies, contemporary museum theory and mathematical proofs to investigate the timelessly beautiful imperfection inherent within the human experience of the Infinite. The catalogue features full color plates of the drawings in the exhibition, photographs documenting the making of the exhibitions and performance, and images showing the relationship of both to the collections and space of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. The catalog is designed and written by artist John Kannenberg and features a foreword by sonic arts critic Marc Weidenbaum and an introduction by Egyptologist T.G. Wilfong.
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