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263 pages
Dallas Medieval Texts and Translations, 18
Peeters Publishers
Paperback (March 2013)
ISBN-13 9789042928954
ISBN-10 9042928956
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Medieval Studies
Religious Studies
Adam of Saint-Victor, Sequences
by J. Mousseau
Adam of Saint-Victor's (+1146) sequences are recognized as sophisticated liturgical poetry, the highest development of this literary genre. In addition to their merit as unique medieval cultural sources, they offer an expression of the lived theology of the twelfth-century Abbey of Saint-Victor in Paris. This translation of the collection of Adam's sequences presents them as a whole, using language that seeks to retain the theological significance of the Latin terminology. The parallel Latin text allows readers to examine the original language used. The included introduction and notes situate the sequences in their historical context and offer references to Adam's many sources. 
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