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140 pages
Dallas Medieval Texts and Translations, 16
Peeters Publishers
Paperback (February 2013)
ISBN-13 9789042926820
ISBN-10 9042926821
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Medieval Studies
Adelmann of Liège and the Eucharistic Controversy
by H. Geybels
Adelmann of Liège was one of the first interlocutors of Berengar of Tours in the Eucharistic controversy of the eleventh century. For that reason, his contribution was of great importance for the development of sacramental theology. This book contains all the known texts of this pre-scholastic theologian from the school of Liège, that is, not only his correspondence with Berengar, but also his famous poem on the theologians of Chartres--the Rhythmus alphabeticus--and his admonishing letter to Arshbishop Hermann of Cologne on the forgiveness of sins. 
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