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116 pages (97 illus.)
10 x 7 inches
INSTAP Academic Press
Paperback (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9781931534390
ISBN-10 193153439X
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PDF eBook (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9781623034443
ISBN-10 1623034442
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Art & Art History
Mediterranean Archaeology
Minoan Wall Painting of Pseira, Crete
A Goddess Worshipped in the Shrine
by Bernice Jones
Short description: Evidence is presented for restoring the fragmentary wall painting from the Minoan shrine on the islet of Pseira located just of the northeastern coast of Crete. A large-scale goddess show more
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Bernice Jones PhD, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. Taught at Queens College, Parsons School of Design, Ringling College of Art and Design. Minoan costume replicas exhibited at National Archaeological Museum, show more
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1. History and Previous Reconstructions of the Painted Plaster Relief Fragments
2. New Reconstruction of the Painted Plaster Relief Fragments
3. Translating the Painted Garments into Cloth Replicas

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"Bernice Jones' methodology of combining iconography and textile studies leads her to new interpretations of the pictorial scene in its entirety. The present study is welcome and highly necessary for gaining show more
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