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174 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718898052
ISBN-10 0718898052
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Paperback (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897741
ISBN-10 0718897749
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PDF eBook (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897765
ISBN-10 0718897765
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EPUB eBook (September 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897758
ISBN-10 0718897757
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Art & Art History
Learning to Look
Velázquez, Fra Angelico, Canaletto, Pollock
by Robert Cumming
Slow Looking can lead to unexpected and huge rewards. In Book One - Learning to Look Robert Cumming shares his own slow discovery of the pleasures of looking and aesthetic experience, and in so doing show more
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Having swapped a promising career in law for the art world, Robert Cumming first worked as a lecturer at the Tate Gallery. He then set up The Christie's Fine Arts Course which developed into Christie's show more
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Early Years
First tastes of aesthetic experience
Learning to look
The Paintings
Velázquez Las Meninas (Madrid, Prado)
Fra Angelico The Cortona Altarpiece (Cortona, Museo Diocesano)

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"Robert Cumming has spent his life encouraging people to look closely at works of art and experience them directly. In theory, looking at paintings is easy, but looking intensely and documenting the experience show more
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