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The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718898007
ISBN-10 0718898001
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Paperback (April 2025)
ISBN-13 9780718897994
ISBN-10 0718897994
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PDF eBook (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718898021
ISBN-10 0718898028
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EPUB eBook (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718898014
ISBN-10 071889801X
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Literary Studies
R.C. Hutchinson
The Man and His Writing
by Barry Webb
In R.C. Hutchinson, Barry Webb reclaims the legacy of a highly-acclaimed, yet often forgotten writer. Despite having been awarded the Sunday Times Gold medal for fiction, the W.H.Smith award for show more
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Barry Webb has been a Fellow and Tutor in English at St. Peter's College, Oxford, and has now realised his long-held ambition of writing a book on R.C. Hutchinson. He is also the official biographer of show more
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Copyright Acknowledgements
1. Monkton Combe and Childhood
2. Oxford, Norwich, and the First Novel
3. Four Early Novels
4. The Writer at his Desk

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