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xi,156 pages (136 illus.)
Kelsey Museum Publication, 18
Kelsey Museum Publications
Paperback (October 2024)
ISBN-13 9781733050456
ISBN-10 1733050450
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Ancient Near East
Mediterranean Archaeology
From the Motor City to the Mediterranean
Travels of a Truck, a Sedan, and an Inquisitive Photographer, 1924-1926
by Lauren E. Talalay
From 1924 to 1926, archaeologists from the University of Michigan roamed the Middle East and North Africa in two vehicles donated by Dodge to assist in pioneering archaeological projects. Driven and maintained show more
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Lauren E. Talalay is curator emerita and former associate director and acting director of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan. She has written or collaborated on seven books, show more
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Part I: The Age of Automobiles 2. Horseless Carriages and the Michigan Cars
3. The Pioneering Brothers
Part II: George R. Swain: The Man Behind the Lens (1866-1947)

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