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xii,322 pages
Hardback (December 2004)
ISBN-13 9783980846622
ISBN-10 3980846628
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Ancient Near East
Mesopotamische Baurituale aus dem 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.
by Claus Ambos
A considerable corpus of building rituals has been preserved in the cuneiform tradition of the 1st millennium BC from Nineveh, Assur, Dur Sharrukin, Huzirina, Uruk, Sippar and Babylon. Exorcists, lamentation-singers, singers and diviners performed such rituals. Most of the extant texts stem from the repertoire of the exorcists and lamentation-singers concerning the building of temples, houses and tombs.

This book offers a general introduction into building rituals as a source for our knowledge of Mesopotamian religion, and a philological edition (including autographs) of the cuneiform texts.
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