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376 pages
11 x 8 inches
Malyan Excavation Reports, 3
Museum Monograph, 117
University of Pennsylvania Museum
Hardback (May 2003)
ISBN-13 9781931707459
ISBN-10 1931707456
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Ancient Near East
Early Urban Life in the Land of Anshan
Excavations at Tal-e Malyan in the Highlands of Iran
by William M. Sumner
This book provides summary data on the archaeological excavations of Banesh Period (ca. 3400-2600 B.C.) levels in Operation ABC at Tal-e Malyan, site of the Elamite royal city of Anshan. These levels cover the critical centuries when complex urban life evolved in Mesopotamia and Iran.

Sumner describes and illustrates a wide variety of finds-pottery vessels, stone and metal artifacts, shell and mineral ornaments, proto-Elamite clay tablets, cylinder seals and clay sealings, raw materials, and production by-products. He discusses these finds in terms of production, usage, and stylistic variation, and he includes either technical analyses contributed by specialists in flint technology, metallurgy, sea shells, and glyptic or summaries of analyses published by specialists in zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, materials science, and epigraphy.

Contributors: John Alden, P. Nicholas Kardulias, Annette Ericksen, Samuel K. Nash, Vincent Pigott, Holly Pittman, David Reese, Harry C. Rogers, Massimo Vidale.
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