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324 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897451
ISBN-10 0718897455
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Paperback (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897444
ISBN-10 0718897447
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PDF eBook (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897468
ISBN-10 0718897463
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EPUB eBook (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897475
ISBN-10 0718897471
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Nineteenth-Century Studies
Political Science
George and Emily Eden
Pride, Privilege, Empire and the Whigs
by Brigid Allen
George and Emily Eden were a devoted sibling pair. Both unmarried, they were accepted as a mildly unconventional couple by friends in the dynastically conscious governing class. George (1784-1849) entered show more
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Brigid Allen studied History at Somerville College, Oxford and has a Ph.D from University College London. She has worked as an editorial researcher and archivist in many areas, from the papers of the American show more
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Chapter One: A Suicide
Chapter Two: The Family
Chapter Three: George
Chapter Four: Coping
Chapter Five: A Sibling Household
Chapter Six: Ireland, Greenwich, Reform

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"Witty, intelligent, frequently sardonic - and always class-conscious - Emily Eden captured her life elegantly with pen and sketchbook. And what a life it was! A daughter of the great Whig political world, show more
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