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James Clarke & Co
Hardback (June 2024)
ISBN-13 9780227180211
ISBN-10 0227180216
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Paperback (August 2024)
ISBN-13 9780227180235
ISBN-10 0227180232
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PDF eBook (June 2024)
ISBN-13 9780227180228
ISBN-10 0227180224
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EPUB eBook (June 2024)
ISBN-13 9780227180242
ISBN-10 0227180240
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Religious Studies
Ignatian Mysticism
Exploring the Spiritual Exercises
by Stephen J. Costello
This work explores the influential Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, the sixteenth-century Spanish soldier, saint, mystic, and founder of the Jesuit Order. The Ignatian Exercises, including the Examen, show more
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Dr Stephen J. Costello, MA, PhD is an acclaimed philosopher, practising analyst, Enneagram coach, the author of fifteen books, and the founder-director of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Ireland. He leads show more
   table of contents

Preface: The Jesuits and I
Part I
1. Characteristics of the Ignatian Charism
2. Overview of the Spiritual Exercises
3. Conscience and Consciousness
4. A Jesuit Account of the Spiritual Exercises

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"Costello's inspiring and mindful journey into Ignatian Spirituality reconnects the Jesuit ethos of its founder with the God who is present in every human search for meaning. In his imaginative work, the show more
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