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The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (November 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897352
ISBN-10 0718897358
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PDF eBook (November 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897345
ISBN-10 071889734X
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Religious Studies
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons
Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3
by Thomas Merton
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons, in this third volume of paper, from Thomas Merton's conferences during his decade (1955-1965) as novice master at the Cistercian Abbey of Gethsemani, his insight into the show more
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Thomas Merton, Roman Catholic convert, Cistercian monk and hermit, poet, contemplative, social critic, and pioneer in interreligious dialogue, was a seminal figure of twentieth-century Christianity. Among show more
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Foreword by Br. Paul Quenon, OCSO
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons, Part I
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons, Part II
Additional Materials
Appendix A: Versions of the Text

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"This readable emolument is a timely reminder of how Merton was shaped by the liturgical year and his own immersion in the monastic offices. It is wonderful to have it available to a new audience."
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