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442 pages
10 x 8 inches
, IV
Lockwood Press
Hardback (July 2024)
ISBN-13 9781957454108
ISBN-10 1957454105
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PDF eBook (June 2024)
ISBN-13 9781957454115
ISBN-10 1957454113
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Ancient Egypt
Ancient Near East
Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt - the Crossroads IV
Proceeding of an International Conference Held in Prague, September 19-22, 2022
edited by Jana Mynárová, Ludovica Bertolini and Federico Zangani
Movement and mobility represent intertwined concepts that have persisted throughout human history. The act of moving from one place to another is, however, intricately tied to the challenges that hinder it. These obstacles can either be natural in origin or the product of human design aimed at constraining the movement of individuals or groups. Furthermore, movement and mobility can also manifest themselves within society, encompassing the fluid shifts of people within the social hierarchy and the transitions between various social groups. The transfer of words, technologies, and religious ideologies often accompanies these human movements. The region of ancient Western Asia and northeast Africa serves as a rich repository of evidence for these forms of movement and mobility, extensively documented through written sources and material culture. The essays collected in this volume variously examine the political dimensions of movement and mobility; how ideas, concepts, and languages move across boundaries; and the material evidence for cultural interactions.
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