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400 pages
8 x 5 inches
Alber Theologie, 2
Rainer Hampp Verlag
Paperback (June 2024)
ISBN-13 9783495994795
ISBN-10 3495994793
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Biblical Studies
Die Komplementarität räumlicher und zeitlicher Aspekte in der Eschatologie des Hebräerbriefes
by Elena Belenkaja
The Letter to the Hebrews presents a unique eschatology between space and time embedded in an artful symbiosis of philosophical and theological thoughts, with its author developing his very own eschatology within the New Testament. Its peculiarity is expressed in the interweaving of perfect, present and future statements. Their interpretation suffers from the difficulty of grasping the limitations of these statements and their relationship to each other, a challenge which this book takes up. In an exegetical case study of the primary text (Heb. 1-13), the author examines relevant statements on the understanding of time and space, taking into account their complementary relationship. 
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