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Graeco-Roman Memoirs, 108
Egypt Exploration Society
Hardback (December 2023)
ISBN-13 9780856982521
ISBN-10 0856982520
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PDF eBook (December 2023)
ISBN-13 9780856982651
ISBN-10 0856982652
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Religious Studies
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri vol. LXXXVII
edited by P. J. Parsons and N. Gonis
This volume includes editions of fifty-eight papyri and one text on parchment. Among the theological texts, three are of exceptional interest. 5575 is an early copy of sayings of Jesus corresponding in part to the canonical gospels of Matthew and Luke and in part to the apocryphal gospel of Thomas. Jesus is also the speaker in 5576 and apparently in 5577, where Mary is addressed. Both pieces may be loosely called 'Gnostic'; the latter appears to be Valentinian. Of the new literary items, the most extensive is 5584, a collection of short biographies of eminent Romans, written a century earlier than Plutarch. Plutarch's own Homeric Studies, now mostly lost, may be recognized in 5585. Early Greek philosophy is represented by 5583, a full column of what appears to be Antiphon's On Truth. The extant literary texts are fragments of two papyrological rarities, the historical work of Aristodemus (5586-7) and the astrological poetry ascribed to Manetho (5588-90). The documentary section illustrates social and economic realities of late antique estates, mostly that of the Apions; there is new evidence on the handling of wine distributions, on the pricing of equipment and materials, and on the more mundane relations of the Apion estate to monasteries. 
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