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200 pages (77 illus.)
11 x 8 inches
Prehistory Monographs, 73
INSTAP Academic Press
Hardback (October 2023)
ISBN-13 9781931534383
ISBN-10 1931534381
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PDF eBook (October 2023)
ISBN-13 9781623034436
ISBN-10 1623034434
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European Prehistory
Mediterranean Archaeology
The Cretan Collection in the University of Pennsylvania Museum III
Metal Objects from Gournia
by Philip P. Betancourt, Susan C. Ferrence and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
The University of Pennsylvania owns the largest collection of Minoan artifacts outside of Europe. The objects were acquired legally from the nation of Crete after it became independent from the Ottoman show more
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Philip P. Betancourt: Professor Emeritus of Prehistoric Aegean Art and Archaeology, Dept. of Art History, Temple Univsersity, Philadelphia, PA.

Susan C. Ferrence: Consulting Scholar, Mediterranean
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"This slender volume, which discusses in detail 62 objects made of copper and copper alloys and one lead object from the Minoan settlement at Gournia in eastern Crete, has been worth the wait as it includes show more
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