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246 pages
James Clarke & Co
Paperback (July 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179390
ISBN-10 0227179390
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PDF eBook (July 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179383
ISBN-10 0227179382
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EPUB eBook (July 2023)
ISBN-13 9780227179406
ISBN-10 0227179404
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Religious Studies
Infallibility, Integrity and Obedience
The Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church, 1848-2023
by John M. Rist
The doctrinal and structural revolution currently underway in the Roman Catholic Church is alarming for several reasons, not least because of the arbitrary nature of its imposition and the absence of resistance show more
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John Rist is Professor of Classics and Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Toronto, former Father Kurt Pritzl Chair in Philosophy at the Catholic University of America and has taught (as Regius Professor show more
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1. Toward the Syllabus of Errors
2. From The Syllabus of Errors to Pastor Aeternus (1870)
3. Leo XIII: Top- Down Pastor
4. Saint Pius X and the Modernist Dragon
5. The 1930s: Fascists, Nazis, 'New Theologians', Condoms

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"In this invigorating study of the modern papacy, Professor John Rist identifies the conjoining of four elements, which have caused serious damage to the Church: the creeping authority of the Pope stemming show more
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