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329 pages (217 figs & 36 tbls.)
Studies in Ancient Cultures
, 1
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Paperback (April 2023)
ISBN-13 9781614910923
ISBN-10 1614910928
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PDF eBook (April 2023)
ISBN-13 9781614910930
ISBN-10 1614910936
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Ancient Near East
Archaeological Method and Theory
Where Kingship Descended from Heaven
Studies on Ancient Kish
edited by Karen L. Wilson and Deborah Bekken
From 1923 to 1933, the Chicago Field Museum and the University of Oxford conducted archaeological excavations at the site of Kish, located on the floodplain of the Euphrates River in modern Iraq approximately 80 kilometers south of Baghdad. Over the course of ten years of work, the expedition explored seventeen different mounds both inside and outside the ancient boundaries of Kish. The finds were divided at the end of each season, with the Iraq Museum retaining half of the objects and any one-of-a-kind items and the two excavating institutions splitting the remainder. Beginning in 2004, the Field Museum undertook a reevaluation of its Kish holdings. To highlight new research and insights into the material culture from Kish and our understanding of the importance of the site to Mesopotamian archaeology, the Field Museum held a symposium in 2008 that brought together an international group of scholars who presented papers on various aspects of the ancient city. This volume, which grew out of that symposium, presents a wide array of studies on the excavated material remains from Kish, including cuneiform texts, animal figurines, human remains, lithics, figural stucco wall decorations, and more.
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