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426 pages (96 color and 111 b/w illus.)
Excavation Memoir
, 117
Egypt Exploration Society
Paperback (March 2023)
ISBN-13 9780856982453
ISBN-10 0856982458
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Ancient Egypt
Art & Art History
The Tomb of Maya and Meryt III
The New Kingdom Pottery
by Barbara G. Aston, David A. Aston and Jacobus van Dijk
This volume presents the pottery from the tomb of Maya and Meryt (located in the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara) in its archaeological context. Volume I was devoted to the reliefs, and volume II to the objects and skeletal remains from the tomb. The closely dated burial assemblage of Maya (Year 9 of Horemheb) and associated offering pottery form the basis for tracing the development of pottery forms in the late Eighteenth Dynasty and continuing into the Ramesside Period. The wealth of blue-painted pottery (amounting to 187 vessels) is carefully described, the motifs represented in the designs are discussed, and aspects of the chronological development of blue-painted pottery are illustrated. 96 colour photographs are included showing many of these beautiful blue-painted vessels. Numerous inscriptions on the pottery provide interesting information on the actual contents of the vessels provided for Maya's burial.
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