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392 pages
11 x 8 inches
Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives, 9
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press
Hardback (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9781950446407
ISBN-10 1950446409
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PDF eBook (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9781950446414
ISBN-10 1950446417
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Art & Art History
Asian and Pacific Studies
Ritual and Economy in East Asia
Archaeological Perspectives
edited by Anke Hein, Rowan Flad, and Bryan K. Miller
In commemoration of Lothar von Falkenhausen's 60th birthday, this volume assembles eighteen scholarly essays that explore the intersection between art, economy, and ritual in ancient East Asia. The contributions show more
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Preface: To Lothar
Li Shuicheng

1 Introduction: Ritual and Economy in East Asian Archaeology
Rowan Flad and Anke Hein

Part I: Ritual Economy
2 Uncovering Disguised Social Inequality: An Investigation of the Bronze Age Cemetery at Donghuishan

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