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200 pages (101 col & b/w figs & 1 foldout plan)
8 x 5 inches
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American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Paperback (July 2014)
ISBN-13 9780876616581
ISBN-10 0876616589
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PDF eBook (June 2014)
ISBN-13 9781621390176
ISBN-10 1621390179
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Mediterranean Archaeology
The Athenian Agora
Museum Guide (5th ed.)
by Laura Gawlinski and Craig A. Mauzy
Written for the general visitor, the Athenian Agora Museum Guide is a companion to the 2010 edition of the Athenian Agora Site Guide and leads the reader through all of the display spaces within the Stoa show more
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Laura Gawlinski is Associate Professor of Classical Studies at Loyola University Chicago.

Craig A. Mauzy is Assistant Director of the American School's Excavations in the Athenian Agora. He
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"The depth of Gawlinski's artifact descriptions satisfy both academics and non-specialists alike, and the writing style, while having an educated tone, avoids using excessive jargon, which encourages a show more
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