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32 pages (25 col figs & 6 b/w figs.)
8 x 5 inches
Agora Picture Book, 25
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Paperback (September 2003)
ISBN-13 9780876616413
ISBN-10 0876616414
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The Games at Athens
by Jenifer Neils and Stephen V. Tracy
This attractive book presents a general introduction to the Greater Panathenaia, the week-long religious and civic festival held at Athens every four years in honor of the city's patron goddess, Athena. The highlight of the city's festival calendar, with its musical, athletic, and equestrian contests, tribal events, processions, sacrifices, and other activities, the Greater Panathenaia involved all the residents of Athens; not just adult males but women, children, metics (resident aliens), foreigners, and even slaves. The facilities, administration, program events, prizes, and associated monuments are described. 
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