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386 pages (56 figs, 91 pls & 2 plans.)
12 x 9 inches
Athenian Agora, XXXII
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Hardback (March 2008)
ISBN-13 9780876612323
ISBN-10 087661232X
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Roman Pottery
Fine-Ware Imports
by John W. Hayes
Examples of Roman period red-gloss and red-slip pottery (terra sigillata) found during excavations in the Athenian Agora form the focus of this volume. These fine wares, like the other table wares of the show more
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John W. Hayes is the author of many books and reports including the classic Late Roman Pottery (London 1972). 

"The importance of this volume for the archaeology of the Mediterranean cannot be overstated. It will prove invaluable for decades to come for a wide range of scholars dealing with the Roman world. The show more
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