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view large cover
111 pages (16 col illus.)
9 x 6 inches
Out of Series Titles
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Paperback (December 2002)
ISBN-13 9789608696013
ISBN-10 9608696011
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Book History
The Art of Bookbinding
Treasures from the Gennadius Library 1464-1911, A Catalogue of an Exhibition
compiled by Vangelio Tzanetatou
In conjunction with the Seventh International Forum on the Art of Bookbinding, organized in November 2002 by the international association Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art (ARA), the Gennadius Library organized an exhibition of rare bindings from its extensive collection, curated by well-known bookbinder Vangelio Tzanetatou. Among the items on display were a rare Renaissance Italian leather binding dating to 1464, created for a philosophical treatise written by Manuel Chryssoloras and owned by Sigismondo Malatesta, member of a leading family of the time. Also in the exhibition was an example of one of the Library's Aldine bindings for a 1504 edition of Homer's Odyssey, printed in Venice. Later Italian bindings were represented by an elaborate cover gold-tooled with the arms of Pope Pius VI, produced in 1774.
In selecting the bindings, curator Tzanetatou included examples of the variety of styles represented in the Gennadeion's collection, as well as those with special or unique characteristics. The exhibition catalogue, published thanks to the generosity of EFG Eurobank Ergasias, includes her detailed observations on over 70 bindings, with color illustrations of 16 of the most exceptional pieces.
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