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224 pages (52 b/w figs & 31 tbls.)
10 x 8 inches
Hesperia Supplement, 49
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Paperback (August 2015)
ISBN-13 9780876615492
ISBN-10 0876615493
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PDF eBook (December 2015)
ISBN-13 9781621390213
ISBN-10 1621390217
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Mediterranean Archaeology
Archaeodiet in the Greek World
Dietary Reconstruction from Stable Isotope Analysis
edited by Anastasia Papathanasiou, Michael P. Richards and Sherry C. Fox
The analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen provides a powerful tool for reconstructing past diets, since it provides the only direct evidence of the foods that were actually show more
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Chapter 1 Introduction, by Anastasia Papathanasiou and Sherry C. Fox
Chapter 2 Stable Isotope Analysis of Bone and Teeth as a Means for Reconstructing Past Human Diets in Greece, by Michael P. Richards

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"This is an excellent volume integrating archaeological, historical, bioarchaeological, and isotopic resources into a synthetic interpretation of the Greek diet.... If you are interested in dietary reconstruction show more
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