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162 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (March 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897277
ISBN-10 0718897277
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PDF eBook (March 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897291
ISBN-10 0718897293
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EPUB eBook (March 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897307
ISBN-10 0718897307
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Art & Art History
Medieval Studies
Stories in Glass
A Guide to Medieval Stained Glass in Norfolk
by Paul Harley and David King
Norfolk's churches are home to some of the highest-quality and best-preserved medieval stained glass in Britain. Panels produced in the county's extensive and long-lasting workshops, centred in the historically show more
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David King was born into a family of glaziers and took up his own interest in stained glass in 1970. He writes regularly on painted window glass, and is the author of The Medieval Stained Glass of St Peter show more
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Foreword by Paul Harley
The Locations
Index of Locations


"This superb volume makes us look anew at stained glass in Norfolk. No-one knows more about medieval glass in the county than David King who puts names to some of the medieval artists whose work we treasure show more
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