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240 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Paperback (April 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897208
ISBN-10 071889720X
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Hardback (September 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897215
ISBN-10 0718897218
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PDF eBook (August 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897192
ISBN-10 0718897196
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EPUB eBook (August 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897222
ISBN-10 0718897226
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Asian and Pacific Studies
A Draught of the South Land
Mapping New Zealand from Tasman to Cook
by Paul Moon
The story of how the map of New Zealand emerged is a fascinating one. The first full map of the continent was published in London in 1773, which might seem the natural starting point, but over the preceding show more
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Paul Moon, ONZM, is Professor of History at Auckland University of Technology, and his research focuses on nineteenth-century New Zealand and the philosophies of colonisation. He has doctorates in literature show more
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List of Illustrations
1. Cartography and the Age of Discovery
2. The VOC and Dutch Batavia
3. Abel Janszoon Tasman
4. 'The Intelligence Empire': Seventeenth-Century Dutch Exploration of the South Pacific

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"This comprehensive, engaging study highlights how curiosity and ambition drove the pioneering navigational achievements of two brilliant seamen, alongside the development of cartography as a strategic show more
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