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324 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897154
ISBN-10 0718897153
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Paperback (February 2024)
ISBN-13 9780718897130
ISBN-10 0718897137
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PDF eBook (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897147
ISBN-10 0718897145
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EPUB eBook (June 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718897123
ISBN-10 0718897129
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Nineteenth-Century Studies
The Older Liszt
Music, World and Spirit
by Peter Coleman
Franz Liszt is well known for his early years as 'super-star' pianist who excited audiences throughout Europe, but his later life is also of great interest. In his final 25 years he sought to achieve his show more
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Peter Coleman is a psychologist and gerontologist specialising in the interplay between ageing, spirituality and mental health. He is Emeritus Professor of Psycho-Gerontology at the University of Southampton, show more
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List of Illustrations
1.Understanding Liszt through His Correspondence
2. Psychological and Spiritual Crises in Liszt's Earlier Life
3. Liszt and His Correspondents in His Fiftieth Year (1860-61)

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"Ferenc Liszt - a man so famous in life that only a very few people really knew him, especially a number of discerning women. His avuncular relations with and generosity to his students and disciples were show more
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