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314 pages
Prehistory Monographs
, 7
INSTAP Academic Press
Hardback (December 2003)
ISBN-13 9781931534062
ISBN-10 1931534063
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PDF eBook (December 2003)
ISBN-13 9781623030155
ISBN-10 1623030153
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European Prehistory
Mediterranean Archaeology
Mochlos IA
Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans' Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri: The Sites
by Jeffrey S. Soles
Mochlos is a Minoan town set on a fine harbour at the eastern side of the Gulf of Mirabello, in northeast Crete. It was first inhabited during the Neolithic period, and it had an important Minoan settlement during most of the Bronze Age. Mochlos I, to be published in three volumes, presents the results of the excavations in the Neopalatial levels of the Artisans' Quarter, and at the farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Artisans' Quarter consisted of a series of workshops with evidence for pottery manufacture, metalworking, and weaving. Chalinomouri, a semi-independent farmhouse with strong connections to the nearby island settlement at Mochlos, was engaged in craftwork and food processing as well as agriculture. This volume, Mochlos IA, presents the process of excavation and the architecture; volume IB presents the pottery, and volume IC will publish the small finds.
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