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176 pages
Prehistory Monographs, 17
INSTAP Academic Press
Hardback (December 2005)
ISBN-13 9781931534178
ISBN-10 1931534179
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PDF eBook (December 2005)
ISBN-13 9781623030759
ISBN-10 1623030757
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European Prehistory
Mediterranean Archaeology
Tholos Tomb Gamma
A Prepalatial Tholos Tomb at Phourni, Archanes
by Yiannis Papadatos
This publication includes a detailed discussion of the pottery, the finds and their parallels, and a reconstruction of both the excavation and stratigraphy of Tholos Gamma in the Bronze Age cemetery of Phourni at Archanes. This evidence is used to give the historical outline of the tomb from its foundation in Early Minoan IIA until its excavation in 1972. Several problems concerning Prepalatial mortuary practices are discussed, with particular reference to Tholos Gamma and the new evidence resulting from the study of this funerary assemblage. The artifacts from the tomb include pottery, metal objects, marble figurines, other small finds, and skeletal remains. 
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