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228 pages
INSTAP Academic Press
Paperback (June 2011)
ISBN-13 9781931534611
ISBN-10 1931534616
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PDF eBook (June 2011)
ISBN-13 9781623031176
ISBN-10 1623031176
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European Prehistory
Mediterranean Archaeology
Prehistoric Crete
Regional and Diachronic Studies on Mortuary Systems
edited by Joanne M. Murphy
Since the inception of Minoan archaeology, studies pertaining to tombs and tomb deposits have played seminal roles in our understanding of Minoan culture and the reconstruction of Bronze Age society. For show more
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Front matter
1. Introduction, Joanne M. Murphy
2. Landscape and Social Narratives: A Study of Regional Social Structures in Prepalatial Crete, Joanne M. Murphy
3. The Secret Lives of the Early and Middle Minoan Tholos Cemeteries: Koumasa and Platanos, Borja Legarra Herrero

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