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450 pages
The Lutterworth Press
Hardback (March 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896867
ISBN-10 0718896866
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PDF eBook (March 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896874
ISBN-10 0718896874
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EPUB eBook (March 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896881
ISBN-10 0718896882
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Paperback (November 2023)
ISBN-13 9780718896898
ISBN-10 0718896890
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Early Modern Studies
Forging Modernity
Why and How Britain Got the Industrial Revolution
by Martin Hutchinson
The Industrial Revolution provided the greatest increase in living standards the world has ever known while propelling Britain to dominance on the global stage. In Forging Modernity, Martin Hutchinson looks show more
   about the author

Martin Hutchinson was born in London, brought up in Cheltenham, England, and has lived in Singapore, Croatia, London, suburban Washington, and since 2011 in Poughkeepsie, NY. He was a merchant banker for show more
   table of contents

List of Illustrations
Note on Money
1 Introduction: What this Book Is About
2 The Competitors: Europe's Potential Industrializers in 1600
3 Britain in 1600 and Early Changes, 1600-48

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"This timely book reminds us what a great achievement the Industrial revolution in Britain was in the period 1660-1830, taking living standards far higher than on the continent for the many and witnessing show more
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